Toddler Program
The Daily Schedule below outlines our Toddler Program. Please note, diaper changes and potty training occur as necessary. Also, time and activities may vary throughout the day. Teachers meet the needs of the individual child and the group through interaction and observation on a daily basis.
Toddlers Daily Schedule
Greetings, table games, puzzles, activity toys, breakfast.
Morning snack as a group, hand washing, relaxation, and nourishment. Personal needs.
Free play and exploration activities, kitchen corner, block building, manipulatives, sewing cards, large beads, matching shapes, colors and sorting for concept and fine motor development.
Circle time! Preschool learning: music, singing, identification of feelings, art, listening, talking, stories, show and tell, discovery in science and nature, puppetry. Developing communication and creative skills.
Outdoor fun in the fresh air, exercise practice in balance, climbing, riding, running, jumping, ball skills, obstacle courses, and slide fun. Developing large motor skills.
Clean-up, personal needs, diaper changes or toileting.
Lunch time: hand washing, social nutritional, and relaxing atmosphere.
Clean-up, diapering and personal needs. Calm quiet activities: story time, looking at books, or manipulative toys. Prepare cots, cribs, and blankets.
Rest time, nap, or quiet activities.
Wake up, stretching, personal needs, diapering, and quiet activities.
Afternoon snack, hand washing, relaxing, social, and healthy atmosphere.
Afternoon activities: playground, arts and crafts, musical instruments, rhyming games, auditory associations, songs, dancing, creative movement, science and nature, discussions, and discoveries.
Free play, dramatic play, friendship bonding, sharing, and resolving interpersonal conflicts through puppetry and discussions. Learning activities, building on each child's strengths through positive interaction. Clean-up and organize to go home.