Special Events
All Pumpkin Preschool locations offer monthly in-house field trips for our children – each are exciting and educational and coincide with a particular theme that varies month to month.
Our special monthly events are dedicated to enhancing each child’s learning experience by providing hands on learning and discovery. This adds to our STEM curriculum and supports the exploration of science and the world around us. We incorporate visits from health and safety specialists from our local community such as Police and Fire Fighters. We explore creatures that live in the ocean and on earth with visits that include marine life and small animals. We introduce local authors and musicians that support phonetic awareness and the love of the arts.
Our special events provide experiences that vary from the discovery of magnets and gravity to learning about baby chicks and bunnies to pony rides and story time with puppets. The importance of teacher directed activities and introducing new concepts enhances children’s play and can be seen during self-selected activities.
What better way to spark the love of learning than having someone who is very passionate about a subject introduce the concept to the child.
Weekly Traveling Program Visits
Throughout the school year, we also coordinate weekly and bimonthly visits from other traveling programs:
Literal Kid – A language program of Spanish or French that further enhances our daily language program.
Computer Time – Additional time spent with classroom computers for children to explore our technical world.
Dance & Gross Motor Program – A traditional Ballet and Jazz Dance Program and a Gross Motor Program set to music.
Tom Weber Music Program – Bimonthly visits with Tom Weber Music Program for children to sing, dance, and enjoy different instrumentals.
Pre-Kindergarten Outside Field Trips
Our Pre-Kindergarteners enjoy outside field trips including biweekly excursions after graduation:
October – Trip to a farm, where we enjoy pumpkin picking, a small animal farm, hay rides, and a hay maze.
June – The Beardsley Zoo
July – The Maritime Center
August – Stepping Stones Museum
August – A traditional Field Day enjoyed by all three centers